You can interpolate a variable anywhere - in the property, value, and even the selector.
@var: color;
.class-@{var} {
@{var}: #7b3d66;
background-@{var}: #7b3d66;
content: @var;
$var: color;
.class-#{$var} {
#{$var}: #7b3d66;
background-#{$var}: #7b3d66;
content: $var;
$var: color
#{$var}: #7b3d66
background-#{$var}: #7b3d66
content: $var
$var = color
{$var}: #7b3d66
background-{$var}: #7b3d66
content: $var
$var: color;
.class-$var {
$(var): #7b3d66;
background-$(var): #7b3d66;
content: $var;
.class-color {
color: #7b3d66;
background-color: #7b3d66;
content: color;
Interpolation in calc()
Some preprocessors require more special treatment when using variables inside calc()
@var: 5px;
div {
height: ~"calc(7em + @{var})";
$var: 5px;
div {
height: calc(7em + #{$var});
$var: 5px
height: calc(7em + #{$var})
$var = 5px
height: "calc(7em + %s)" % $var
$var: 5px;
div {
height: calc(7em + $var);
div {
height: calc(7em + 5px);
Selectors interpolation
If you have a often-occuring selector pattern you can put it in a variable:
@headings: h1, .h1, h2, .h2, h3, .h3;
@{headings} {
font-family: "Great Custom Font", sans-serif;
$headings: "h1, .h1, h2, .h2, h3, .h3";
#{$headings} {
font-family: "Great Custom Font", sans-serif;
$headings: "h1, .h1, h2, .h2, h3, .h3"
font-family: "Great Custom Font", sans-serif
$headings = h1, .h1, h2, .h2, h3, .h3
font-family: "Great Custom Font", sans-serif
$headings: h1, .h1, h2, .h2, h3, .h3;
$headings {
font-family: "Great Custom Font", sans-serif;
h1, .h1, h2, .h2, h3, .h3 {
font-family: "Great Custom Font", sans-serif;
Less needs escaping when you have both a dot (.
) and a hyphen (-
) in a variable because of reasons.
Nested selectors interpolation
If you often find yourself extending selectors with the same pseudo selectors and/or modifier classes, then you can again use a variable like in the example above, when nesting though this won't work in Less.
$active: "&.is-active, &:hover";
.selector {
foo: bar;
#{$active} {
baz: qux;
$active: "&.is-active, &:hover"
foo: bar
baz: qux
$active = "&.is-active, &:hover"
foo: bar
baz: qux
.selector {
foo: bar;
.selector:hover {
baz: qux;
An alternative way of achieving this is using the @content directive which supports Less.